Welcome Chapter Advisers!
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to giving your students the Ultimate Leadership experience!
Chapter Adviser Resources:
Click below for Adviser Academy, Adviser Facebook Page, Adviser Webinars, Advocate for FCS, Affiliation resources, and branding guidelines
Dates to Remember:
FCCLA Week is Feb 13-17, 2023
FCCLA promotes and integrates Incredible leadership into our students and thus onto the world through FCS education. This year we use the 2022-2023 theme to showcase all that FCCLA offers. Instilling leadership, advocacy, and service in our members will guide them for the rest of their lives because we are Incredible; FCCLA is Incredible! Start planning how your chapter will be Incredible!
Mon Feb 13-Incredible Members
Launch FCCLA Week by sharing how your members are incredible! Tell us what FCCLA means to each and every one of you.
Tues Feb 14-Incredible Service
As a part of FCCLA, serving your community with leadership skills and a stellar attitude is a foundation of FCCLA. Share who your influences are and how you have influenced others through your acts of service.
Wed Feb 15-Incredible Incredible Educators
Take part in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Educator Day by thanking the educators in your life and showing appreciation for the things they taught you and your chapter.
Thurs Feb 16-Incredible Skills
Share with others how FCCLA h as allowed you to sharpen your skills for your future careers as well as your independent adult life
Fri Feb 17-Incredible FCCLA
Show off your FCCLA spirit and promote how incredible FCCLA has made your life! Rock the reed and decorate your day with red clothing signs, food, decorations and more!
FCCLA Spring Leadership Conference 2023
Date: TBD Please plan for March 2023
Location: Tentatively at the Modern Maturity Center Dover, DE
Click here to join Alumni & Associates
Alumni & Associates are part of a network of adults who believe in Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Former members of FCCLA, Future Homemakers of America, HERO, and New Homemakers of America are encouraged to stay involved. Honorary FHA/HERO members, current and former Family and Consumer Sciences professionals, teachers, parents, school administrators, employers, and business and community leaders who support the mission and purposes of FCCLA are encouraged to get involved. Demonstrate your loyalty and support of FCCLA, the only Career and Technical Student Organization with the family as its central focus, by enrolling in Alumni & Associates and making a generous contribution.
The Top Reasons to Join A&A
- See where the ultimate leadership experience has taken FCCLA alumni.
- You will be eligible to serve on the A&A Council.
- Participate in our A&A mentorship program. Share your knowledge, expand your network and connect with industry experts through FCCLA.
- Communicate with former members of FCCLA, FHA, HERO, NHA, as well as business and industry associates.
- Re-connect with friends you met at national and state meetings.
- Share personal and professional experiences.
- Gain access to current FCCLA news and resources.
- Explore opportunities for national recognition.
- Receive Beyond the Red monthly Newsletter.
- Volunteer on the local, state, and national levels.
- Demonstrate your support for the only in-school student organization with family as its central focus.
- Be inspired by others who value the importance of families, careers, and communities.
Adviser Resources
Find amazing resources, lesson plans, meeting ideas, community service projects and competitive event info on our Schoology page!
Join DE FCCLA Advisers Schoology group using code 86Q28-7MQFX
Join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Delaware-FCS-Teachers-1146060562197058/
Join us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/de.fccla/
Membership & Recruiting Ideas
3Rs Recruit, Recognize & Retain
Top 10 Things to Know About FCCLA flyer
Fundraising for your chapter:
SAMPLE Meeting & Fundraising Schedule
Organizational documents:
SAMPLE Letter to student’s families explaining FCCLA
Activities and Lessons to do in the Classroom
FCCLA is co-curricular and should integrate into your curriculum. Use competitive events as classroom projects. The top 5 go to states? Complete a National program in class.
How effective is this leader? Activity
Teaching With Teen Times 2017-18
Check out our DE FCCLA Advisers Group on Schoology. Use Access Code 86Q28-7MQFX to add yourself to our group and gain access to thousands of lesson plans and activities to do at meetings and in the classroom!
Follow us on Instagram @de.fccla